MorganicMovement Monthly Membership

A weekly movement practice space to fortify your nervous system reset skills in community- one breath at a time.

Together is our only way through… 

Do you find that you rarely find a time to reset, and find your center? 
Or that you feel like you’re running on fumes? 

Do you find it challenging to participate in group movement spaces consistently? But wish you could?

Are you craving a space where you have access to move in a way that makes it possible for you to metabolize your stress/trauma responses, and actually cultivate a nervous system reset?
Especially mid-week?

Well… count yourself lucky, cause you’ve found yourself in the right space.  


Cycle breakers, tomorrow weavers, and community tenders. We recognize that the work we do makes consistent & heavy demands on our bodies.  

We are often teetering on overwhelm, and want more than anything to not feel alone in our purpose & day to day work. Yet our bodies’ default patterns— our stress/trauma responses, fatigue, fears, & anxieties— can get in the way of us creating space & time to tend to our nervous system’s needs, & build relationships with those who are in the work of co-liberation with us.  We know that to connect more authentically with our bodies & one another, we need to build renewed neurological and relational patterns.  And that is exactly what we do at MorganicMovement.  

Through a weekly neuro-somatic practice, we activate our bodies’ brilliance, and relearn to move in organic relationship with our interconnected nervous- and eco-systems… One breath at a time.



- weekly midday practice sessions in a virtual, body-inclusive & choice-based container
- space & time to strengthen your capacity for cultivating connection with your body through Neuro-sensitive movement & breath
- opportunity to build community with others who are doing the work of co-liberation

What's included: 
- weekly restorative movement sessions 
- featuring body-based, breath-centric & relationally-focused practices for a myriad of bodies

Every Wednesday 12-12:50pm PST, via Zoom


The weekly session flow will consist of: 

 - doing a quick temp check of which survival responses are activated in folx’ bodies and how they’re showing up/being felt. 
 - we’ll check in re: what level of energy and accessibility requests folx have to approach movement that day. 
 - then flow into a session of choice-based movement and breath practices that will facilitate the tuning and toning of our nervous systems. Offering opportunities to reduce tension, mobilize stuck spots, rest fatigued muscles, & consensually activate places we’ve numbed, while integrating our body-mind communication pathways. 

 Overall folx will have the opportunity to metabolize and compost the back log of automatic stress/survival responses that weigh heavy in our bodies, into nourishing movement & breath patterns that each participant cultivates in their body. 

 Adaptations available:
 - Folx are welcome to participate in their homes, outdoors, or at your work place. 
 - You’re welcome to have your screen on or off, opt in or opt out of any of the practices offered, and create your own movement practice while the group moves. 
 - Live captions on Zoom will be activated. 

Your set up:
 - If you are able, please wear clothes that allow you to move easefully, and bring nourishment and hydration with you. Having a soft yet stable surface to sit on, and space to move around is helpful as well. 
 - In the case you don’t have access to space to move, listening into the session can offer your nervous system an opportunity connect with others tuning into their bodies in a restorative way, and your body can/will mirror many of the benefits of the practice. 

If finding time alone is a barrier to participation, please feel free to welcome those who are in your care (e.g. partners, animal companions, kiddos etc.) with you to sessions. 

In doing so you are taking responsibility for your safety/wellbeing and theirs, and collaborating in your collective wellbeing. 

Please aim to make it to the opening part of it if you can. If you need to leave early to tend to life’s flow, all good :) 

It’s recommended that you commit as best as you can to at least 3 months of the membership, to offer yourself ample opportunity to experience the transformation & nervous system restoration that is possible in your nervous system with the consistency and repetition necessary for facilitating your own neuroplasticity. 

That said, to honor adaptability/accessibility you are welcome to cancel your membership at any time with a 2 week’s notice. 

You’re welcome to email or text Morgan with questions at: or 253-697-0190.

Additional info, vibe & context can be found at & on IG @morganicmovement. 

Morgan Vanderpool

Morgan Vanderpool, LICSW, (they/he) is a bilingual, queer, non-binary, neurospicy, ecologically and intersectionally grounded: collective neuropractor, restorative practice facilitator, neuro-sensitive movement specialist, choreographer and community builder; with 12+ years of experience as a body-based global complex trauma specialist. 

They're dedicated to facilitating inclusive, accessible, mycelially-grounded, and somatically abolitionist, restorative embodiment practices- that strengthen our collective capacity to move healthfully with every layer of our badass survivor selves. 

So we may co-build thriving nervous and eco-systems- ONE BREATH AT A TIME.

 “Morgan consistently offers practical education on the neurobiological impact of trauma, movement, and embodiment practices to help cultivate a felt sense of safety in my body, and a compassionate framework within which to hold my now-differently-abled self. I am so grateful.”

Kenyon Martin (She/Her)

Mama & Hospice Worker 

 "Morgan lives what they teach, and what they provide is as necessary, as it is hard to find. Morgan has been figuring out what we’re going through, and what to do about it for years, starting with themself… With an approach that centers body & breath.." 

Beautiful Almughairy (all)

Mental Health First Aid Facilitator & Musician

 "Morgan combines justice, somatics, and psychology in a way I’ve never experienced before… they have been integral in my understanding of the human condition, and how we can go at the pace of trust... Any work you do with Morgan will be sure to level up your knowledge.." 

Aliko Weste (He/Him)

Founder of Our Living Design & Community Organizer

Membership Plans