Breathe2Belong! Co-Learning Lab- Fall 2024

A 10-week skill-up experience centered in body-based, breath-centric & relationally focused co-liberatory practices.

Welcome fellow cycle breaker, tomorrow weaver & community tender!

Are you feeling worn out by co-liberatory work? 
Heavy with collective grief? 

Do you desire to learn how to better tend to your body, and the bodies around you, 
to stay in the healing game for the long haul?  

Do you find yourself sometimes frustrated by how our adaptive survival responses can thwart our potential for connection & transformative collaboration? 

Do you feel you’re at a point where you desire to skill up your 1-1 healing work, and practice in community? 

Well good news, ‘cause Breathe2Belong! Co-Learning Lab is open for enrollment! 


Breathe2Belong! is MorganicMovement’s practice ground for folks interested in cycle-breaking, liberation work & community tending who understand they’re in the work of personal, cultural & relational transformation for the long haul. 

This experience offers a synthesis of body-based, breath-centric & relationally-focused practices in a co-learning environment attuned to diverse neurotypes.   

Participants will be equipped with core body-based knowledge, practices, and skills to wisely navigate our survival responses, in community. 

The end goal is to make it possible for us to be more capable of sustaining access to connection & a sense of belonging, while doing the challenging work to cultivate co-liberation.   

Over 10 weeks, we will meet for six 2-hour practice sessions,

where we will: 
- learn about how our nervous systems survive & thrive, 
- practice interrupting patterns of harm that happen in systems change work & culture building, and 
- practice bolstering our neurological & relational capacities, 
all while building connection with other badass cycle-breakers.
What's Included:
—> six 2-hour virtual practice sessions 
alternating Tuesday evenings 6:30-8:30pm PST via Zoom
(Oct 8 , Oct 22, Nov 5, Nov 19, Dec 3, & Dec 17, 2024)

—> a MorganicMovement Monthly Membership
restorative movement sessions hosted on Zoom, 
every Wednesday 12-12:50pm PST (Oct 9-Dec 4, 2024)

—> access to a resource library of self-directed integration practices, tailored to diverse learning styles
accessible anytime 

—> access to a group chat/forum for community support  


Folx who:
- are thirsty for solutionary, body-based maps for building co-liberation
- have a deep felt sense of necessity for systems' change to occur
- have felt, witnessed & survived the dissonance of what happens when we are cut off from our bodies and our Earth Body

Breathe2Belong! is especially curated for:  
- cycle breakers  
- liberation workers  
- community tenders/leaders who understand they’re in the work of relational & cultural transformation for the long haul  
- anyone who wants to stay as healthy, human & whole as possible in this era of rapid change

MorganicMovement is a learning community that cultivates access to embodied healing practices. We cannot bypass our biology in our work for systems overhaul & rebuilding. By working through our bodies, we generate the collective capacity to disrupt systems of harm & co-create restorative ones.

MorganicMovement’s offerings are built so that the practices are teachable within multi-generational families, community-based groups, and networks.    

MorganicMovement is practical AF, tuned in to the nitty-gritty realities of how survivorship guides our whole bodies – nervous system, muscles, belly, brain, bones, and more. By fully tuning into our body’s reality of transgenerational & intersectional survivorship, while moving in relationship with our own bodies, and the bodies we are connected to, will we become capable of co-building a co-liberated future. 

There are three self-identified enrollment levels available for this course:

- Supported Access, a subsidized option for those with limited access to economic protections  
- Sustained Access, which covers the costs of the course, for those with adequate access to economic protections  
- Abundant Access, for those with abundant access to economic protections, which subsidizes those who need supported access      

If you are in search of a more accessible option, please email, to explore work study & scholarship options. 

If you register with a buddy or buddies, you will all receive 22% off. To access this discount, text 253-697-0190 with your buddy code request & the name(s) of your crew.

** HOT TAKE- You are able to pay for this co-learning lab with your HSA!**

Participants are strongly encouraged to attend each of the 6 two-hour sessions, for a total of 12 hours.

You are also invited to attend MorganicMovement weekly restorative movement practices for each week of the course, which are 50 minutes each, giving you access to nearly 10 additional hours of experiential practice ground. 

The time involved in the exploration of the bi-weekly supplemental materials & integration practices will fluctuate, as there will be some  onetime exercises and some daily practices. Estimated 1-3 hours of cumulative time between live sessions. 

And participating in community chats is up to you!  

Please feel welcome to reach out to Morgan via email or via text at 253-697-0190. 

Also- please register for the Free Q&A on March 7th, 2024 @ 6pm PST! 

You’re also welcome to visit for a more holistic vision of MorganicMovement. 

Morgan Vanderpool

Morgan Vanderpool, LICSW, (they/he) is a bilingual, queer, non-binary, neurospicy, ecologically and intersectionally grounded: collective neuropractor, restorative practice facilitator, neuro-sensitive movement specialist, choreographer and community builder; with 12+ years of experience as a body-based global complex trauma specialist. 

They're dedicated to facilitating inclusive, accessible, mycelially-grounded, and somatically abolitionist, restorative embodiment practices- that strengthen our collective capacity to move healthfully with every layer of our badass survivor selves. 

So we may co-build thriving nervous and eco-systems- ONE BREATH AT A TIME.

 “Morgan balances a fiery brilliance to understanding the somatic experiences of untangling trauma, as well as an impressive fortitude for holding the vulnerable tenderness that this work necessitates for us all. Working with them may lead to feeling inspired, reassured, challenged, and seen.”

Dylan Alter, JD, AACC
Founder of

 "Morgan combines justice, somatics, and psychology in a way I’ve never experienced before… they have been integral in my understanding of the human condition, and how we can go at the pace of trust... Any work you do with Morgan will be sure to level up your knowledge.." 

Mountain Weste
Co-founder Our Living Design Studios

 "Morgan lives what they teach, and what they provide is as necessary, as it is hard to find. Morgan has been figuring out what we’re going through, and what to do about it for years, starting with themself… With an approach that centers body & breath.." 

Beautiful Almughairy 
Mental Health First Aid Facilitator 

Enrollment Plans 

Supported Access

3 payments of

$147 USD

per month

Enroll Here

Sustained Access

3 payments of

$185 USD

per month

Enroll Here

Abundant Access

3 payments of

$222 USD

per month

Enroll Here